Fal fonic

is a combination of 2words Fal which is good business and FONIC which is related to mobile phone

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Know more about us

Buy using our services, you will be able to reach your clients in a safe and quick convenient way at a very reasonable price and this will be the best solution as a marketing tool to promote and keep your clients secure and safe.

Our founders having background in many feilds of business such as property, consumer goods, financial industry, exhibitions and event's, education, Hospitals , FMB and many more.

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Our mission

To be the leader in providing the best SMS and AI chat bot services


To provide global services in the bulk SMS services and chat bot

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Our Services

Falfonic is a combination of 2words Fal which is good business and FONIC which related to mobile phone

Bulk SMS

Promotion company SMS

Transaction SMS

AI ChatBot

Business whats App